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Bureau of R F & A L
Office Asst Supt
Powhatan Co Va May 31st 1866

Capt Stuart Barnes
Supt 2d Dist

In compliance with circular No 10 I have the honor to report as follows 

(During the month of May but one case has been tried in this County. That of Randolph Jones which was specially reported 

He was charged with Grand Larceny in stealing six hogs from Mr Blair Burwell of this county. it was not proven that he had any thing to do with the hogs of Blair Burwell or any of them, and the only evidence was that a hogs head was found at his house which might have been stolen. but it could not have been Mr Burwells as it was black while the hogs lost were white. If it could have been shown that the hogs head found was stolen, it could only have been Petit Larceny as he might not have stolen any of the others. The hogs were lost at different times and might have been stolen by other parties with whom the Prisoner might have had no connection and for any thing that was shown they might not have been stolen at all. The jury found him guilty and he was sentanced to three years in the Penitentiary.

The Prisoner has made an application for a new trial. I have not learned the