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There is still a complaint, that the freedmen exercise no control over their families - allowing their children to follow their own inclinations, and encouraging their wives to idleness, - but in travelling over the county I have frequently observed women at work in the fields, and I think from conversations with freedmen, that there is a growing inclination to put their wives and grown daughters to work - but often the women are determined on resisting the authority of their liege lords.

I have had application in some such cases from the hen-pecked husbands for permission to apply the lash, - and I am not sure, that if would not be an improvement on the more refined matrimonial torture in vogue with white people.

Pride of family - is succeeding to the former feelings of pride in belonging to wealthy, and first class people.

Those who are frugal and prosperous have acquired a certain standing, and wield a considerable influence among the freedmen, so that the ambition to become a "respectable nigger" gives quite an impetus to labor, and curbs the propensity to wanton extravagance, and wastefulness.

During the month four freedmen have been committed to jail for felony - of which - one is charged with rape on a freedwoman, one with horse stealing, and two with burglary - only two have been committed for hog-stealing - which is a decrease in number from the preceding months.

I am satisfied that as the freedmen become better provided with food and other necessaries, this evil will be almost entirely abated.

I have not heard of a single instance of riot, or assault and battery among the freedmen.

The number of paupers are decreasing, - I had about twenty on my hands, at the beginning of the month, and as they were very poorly provided for, I applied to Capt Barnes Sup't, 2nd. Dist: to know what to do with them, as there was no provision made for them at the poor-house - He ordered me to send them to the hospital at Farmville - When I announced this to them it produced a general [[?]].  

All who were able to get away, could not be found when I had secured