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Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Charlotte Co. Ho. Va. May 31st 1866.

Bv't Brig: Gen'l O. Brown.}
Ass't Comr Va


In obedience to Circular No 6. Bureau of R.F and A.L. Head Quarters Asst Comr. State of Virga dated Richmond January 29th 1866. I have the honor to make the following report of the condition of Bureau Affairs in this Sub-District.
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In regard to the subject of labor, I have very little change to note since my last report.

The freedmen so far have exceeded the most sanguine expectations, of the planters, in their application to work, and faithfulness to contracts; and one of the most emergent seasons had almost passed with complete success to the agricultural interests.

Planters who in the early part of the year had the courage and confidence to employ a full force of field-hands, are displaying both, to a greater degree by putting in crops — equal to their capacity to work — while those who were too timid to risk the freedmen's winter board, on his faithfulness, are now vainly endeavoring to obtain extra laborers. — in many cases by indiscreet means; tempting by higher wages — those freedmen who are employed by contract, to desert their employers.

At one time during the month, this evil threatened to grow into alarming proportions, but it was checked by prompt and decided action by the freedman's Court — in a few instances which came before it.

For two weeks back there have been no

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 21:28:27