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complaints of unjustifiable desertion.

I addressed a crowd of Freedmen who assembled here on Holy day urging them to stick to their contracts, and my remarks were received with Enthusiasm. — I believe

I believe that where the contract is fair — and the planter fulfils his part, there is little danger to be apprehended, of a wanton violation of obligations by the freedmen — in the future.

There is still a complaint, that the freemen exercise no control over their families — allowing their children to follow their own inclinations, and encouraging their wives to idleness! but in travelling over the country I have frequently observed women at work in the fields, and I think from conversations with freedmen, that there is a growing inclination to put their wives and grown daughters to work — but often the women are determined on resisting the authority of their liege lords. 

I have had applications in some such cases from hen pecked husbands for permission to apply the lashes — and I am not sure that it would not be an improvement on the more refined matrimonial torture in vogue with white people.

Pride of family is succeeding to the former feelings of pride in belonging to wealthy, and first class people —

Those who are frugal and prosperous have acquired a certain standing, and wield considerable influence among the freedmen. So that the ambition to become a "respectable nigger" gives quite an impetus to the labor, and curbs the prepensity to wanton extravagance and wastefulness. 

During this month four freedmen have been committed to jail for felony — of which = one is charged with rape on a freedwoman —     


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 21:41:33