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of any trade or business which will give employment to the same as free men.
The City has been the Rendezvous for all the colored people in this vicinity seeking employment to such an extent that the supply is much in excess of the demand. Efforts have been made to induce them to go to places where labor was in more demand with but little effect; and unless some means can be devised by which this evil can be corrected, much suffering will follow. The number dependent upon the Bureau for support has been reduced to the lowest point and cannot be further reduced without causing extreme suffering, until the authorities in the several counties and cities see fit to provide for their support and relieve the Bureau. These authorities have been communicated with upon this matter and their replies forwarded. Application have also been made for them to assume the case of those belonging to the several counties, and the subject is still pending.
Very Respectfully
Wm. P. Austin
Capt & Asst Supt Norfolk Co.