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have come to my knowledge, the parties are required to appear before me, and a warning given of the consequences attending a continuance of such a course, which has thus far proven effectual. There are also some instances of Freedmen violating their contracts, but it is generally oweing to ignorance, and some good wholesome advice, given in simple language that they can understand obviates that difficulty.
There has been but few cases of crime committed in the County the past month, by Freedmen and the County and magistrates display a disposition to do them justice in all cases, although the laws of the state are inadequate to meet the present state of affairs, as where a beloved person is held for trial, for committing Larceny, unless they can give Bail, they are confined in prison until such time as the courts can take up their

Transcription Notes:
2.27.2024 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review