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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Office Asst Supt Princess Anne Co Va
May 31, 1866

Capt A.L. Flagg A Q M
Supt 1st Dist Va


Relieved from duty as Asst Supt of the County of Princess Anne I have the honor to forward this my final report of the condition of the Freedmen in P. Anne Co. &c &c -

During the month no new feature has presented itself in the condition of the destitute Freedpeople dependent upon Govt - living on and near the Wise (Poor) farm.  The season is favorable for their outdoor work and their health with the exception of cutaneous disease, good.

In number no further reduction could be effected -

The process of distribution from Govt. farms in this county was commenced prior to last year and had transportation been more freely accorded in the Autumn of 1865 and early Spring of 1866 many aged and helpless now here alone and dependent would have left and now been with, their friends at their former homes -

From twenty (20) Govt. farms in P. Anne Co - (Ten (10) of which were occupied by large numbers of Freed people) this county is now reduced to one (1) the "Wise" Poor farm, and this result has been accomplished without resistance and but little complaint 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 19:53:27