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Bur. R.F. &. A.L.
Hdqrs. Sub Asst. A. sixth dist. Va.
Covington May 31, 1866


I compliance with Circular no. 6. C.S. dated Hdqrs. Asst. Commissioner Va., I have the honor to report:  it appears that there exists no ill feeling between the white and freedmen, the former seem to be willing to give them their rights and dues, but having established my office only two weeks ago I cannot yet make a more particular report in this respect.  I have since settled one claim of a Freedman and taken in another case two, colored children from their former master on complaint of their nearest of kin, and made one contract.  I have not formed a Freedman's Court on the receipt of Circular 3, C.S. from your Headquarters, but I have a case on hand that will lay over until I will receive further orders.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Chas. Wolff
Captain V.R.C. & Asst. Supt.

J.H. Remington
Bvt Major V.R.C. Superintendent
Winchester Va.