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with a returned U.S. soldier (colored) and beat him considerably; the next night the negroes banded together and armed with sticks marched through the streets of the town but attempted no violence.

This was done at a late hour, after I had gone to bed and I heard nothing of it until the next morning. I immediately took steps to prevent any further gatherings of the kind. The citizens were much excited at first and many of them quite bitter towards the negroes, but no further disturbances occurred and matters soon became perfectly quiet again.

Schools are needed in my sub district but there are no teachers here.

School houses can be easily obtained if anyone can be got to teach.

There are no freedmen in the poor houses in my sub district and I very seldom have any applications for rations. 

I have been unable to properly attend to my sub district during the past month owing to sickness and know of nothing further to report.

I am Col,
Very Respectfully
your Obt. Servt.
Hiram L Hunt
Lieut and Asst Sup't

Transcription Notes:
Can't tell what's under the signature. I believe these to be the names (Its Hunt's titles, he is a Lieutenant and Assistant Superintendent) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 17:09:55 filled in blanks, made corrections