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to prevent outrages and crimes being committed and from a personal interview recently had with him it is expected that in reply the civil authorities will acknowledge their utter inability to keep quietness and good order in the county; in conversation with many of the leading citizens recently; they frankly admit that they are unprepared as yet even if they have the disposition to govern the "Freedmen." Instances which have occurred here fully sustain these facts. The "Freedmen" of the county are easily governed by U.S. authority, but to the civil authorities they appear to entertain the most bitter hostility. Aside from the increase of crime, affairs of the "Freedmen" in this county remain nearly the same as last month. 

Reports of various character covering different points having been forwarded during the past month. I presume it is unnecessary for me to again refer to them
I have the honor to be. 
Very respectfully
Your Ob'd't Ser'v't 
F. J. Massey
1st Lieut 5th Regt V R C
Asst Supt. Bureau R F & A L
York Co. Va.   

Bvt Brig, Gen'l O Brown
Office Asst Com'nr
Richmond, Va

Through Gen'l S.C. Armstrong
Supt 9th Dist
Fort Monroe Va.              

Transcription Notes:
Couldn't make out some of the signature parts. (done now) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 09:33:36 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 15:38:28