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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands—Office of the Asst Supt Rockbridge County
7th District Lexington Va
July 1st 1866—

Capt R.S. Lacy
I have the honor to forward the following report for the month ending June 30th 1866— And state that during the past month, the freedmen so far as I can learn are all engaged at work I, do not think there is half a dozen idle freedmen throughout the county
I have been called upon to be present at several trials before magistrates in which freedmen were interested all of which were satisfactorily settled and the freedmen paid the amt they claimed—
There has been two cases of assault upon freedmen reported to me, But owing to the delay in hearing three cases before the Magistrates I am unable to report fully upon them—
I have found six soldiers graves during the past month, and will forward a