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[[preprinted]] 28 [[/preprinted]]
FMC  July 23, 1930  RH 2164

|21.0|p|[[/green]]71|2119|1013|680|-|1047|521|   |
|   |   |1s|2075|737|560|-|1021|523|   |
|   |   |1|1730|619|650|-|1039|523|   |
|   |   |2|-|-|710|-|1045|523|   |
|   |   |3|-|-|763|-|1058|523|   |
|   |   |4|-|-|760|-|1040|522|   |
|   |   |5|-|-|803|-|1041|522|   |
|   |   |6|-|-|833|-|1050|523|   |
|   |   |7|-|-|843|-|1048|523|   |
|   |   |8|-|-|935|-|1042|523|   |

HJP.  RH 2164 - July 24, 1930
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |1s|2075|667|511|-|991|470|515|
|   |   |1|1730|549|628|-|991|472|   |
|   |   |2|-|-|703|-|999|472|   |
|   |   |3|-|-|740|-|1002|473|   |
|   |   |4|-|-|730|-|987|473|   |
|   |   |5|-|-|774|-|988|477|   |
|   |   |6|-|-|803|-|993|478|   |
|   |   |7|-|-|813|-|983|478|   |
|   |   |8|-|-|899|-|984|478|   |
|21.2|f|66|2130|089|679|673|1002|479|   |
|   |f|67|2119|117|877|878|993|480|   |
|   |p|72|2130|137|855|-|998|481|   |
|   |f|68|2119|211|934|929|988|481|   |
|   |f|69|2113|392|898|900|990|481|   |
|   |p|measured in preceding strip|[[strikethrough]] 2119|428|892 [[/strikethrough]]|-|[[strikethrough]] 1003|483 [[/strikethrough]] )|   |
|   |f|[70|2128|810|930|932|1001|484|   |
|   |f|71|2132|849|817|811|998|484|   |
|   |f|72|2132|884|812|800|999|487|   |
|21.4|f|[73|2140|092|772|779|993|483|   |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-23 07:19:00 remove [[/red]] and [[/green]] blank cells should be 3 spaces ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-23 16:28:41