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[[preprinted]] 7 [[/preprinted]]
|cl.-dk.|defl.-dk.|defl.-dk.|Reduced Defl|Reduced Defl|Mag.|L.NO.|
|488|432|431|881|880|off curve|   |
|480|420|430|875|895|8.84,offcurve|   |
|507|406|-|800|-|   |851|
|500|440|-|880|-|   |   |
|489|429|438|879|895|8.86,off curve|   |
|492|367|369|745|750|8.05,8.08|   |
|490|345|-|705|-|   |1166|
|485|307|-|623|-|   |1208|
|493|447|446|910|909|off curve|   |
|510|395|-|675|-|   |792|
|505|260|-|515|-|   |805|
|497|428|427|860|859|8.75,8.74|   |
|508|402|-|790|-|   |793|
|503|447|-|890|-|   |   |
|494|416|409|843|817|8.64,8.48|   |
|489|196|197|400|402|5.94,5.94|   |
|478|454|435|950|910|off curve|   |
|508|425|-|839|-|   |   |
|489|435|-|910|-|   |1100|
|487|426|-|873|-|   |   |
|477|20|-|42|-|   |   |
|500|100|-|200|-|   |   |
|488|157|-|322|-|   |   |
|482|205|-|426|-|   |   |
|517|207|-|400|-|   |   |
|484|231|-|476|-|   |   |
|490|277|-|560|-|   |   |
|495|292|-|590|-|   |   |
|490|388|-|792|-|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
There's nothing transcribed here. Click save, not complete, if you aren't finished or decide not to do a page. Try reloading if you don't see the notebook page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 11:20:47 Once again, there's nothing transcribed here. Why? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 11:52:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 15:22:10