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[[preprinted]] 28 [[/preprinted]] 

|No|D1|D2|Mean|[[strikethrough]] D [[/strikethrough]] Res|Cl1|Cl2|Mean|Descr.|
|209|1.4|1.4|1.4|00|c7 0 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]|b9 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|c8|   | 
|[[strikethrough]] 210 [[/strikethrough]]|[[strikethrough]] star [[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|211|2.0|1.2 2.0|1.7|353|c5 1 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]|b6 00|b6|   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 212|1.8|1.8|1.8|   |ia8|a8|ia8|   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 213|1.6|1.8|1.7|   |i|d5:|   |F. ext. to n.|
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 214|2.2|1.6|1.9|   |a8|a10|a9|   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 215|1.4:|2.0:|1.7 |   |a10|a9:|a10:|scratch interferes; VF|
|216|1.6|1.2|1.4|2 [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]]|a6 00| a6 00|ab|   |
|217|9.4|3.8|3.6|[[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] 2|ia3 01|a2 00|ia2| 2 neb?? (def.?)
|218|3.4|8.4 8.0|8.3|?|c2 00|c2 00|c2|defect? or spindle?|
|219|1.2|1.4|1.3|[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|a9 00|a8 0 [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]| a9|
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 220|1.4|1.6|1.5|[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 1|c10 00| c10 00| c10|[[symbol - star symbol]] att F|
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 221|1.6|1.6|1.6|   |a10| a7|   | F|
|[[strikethrough]] 222 [[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |[[strikethrough]] Defect [[/strikethrough]]|

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 223|1.4|1.4|1.4|   |b6|a7|b6|   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 224|[[strikethrough]] 1.6 [[/strikethrough]] 1.4| 1.6| 1.5|   |a8| a6|a7|F|
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 225|1.2|1.0|1.1|   |a5|a [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7|a6|   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 226|1.4|1.2|1.3|   |ia6|a6|ia6|   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 227|3.8:|2.2|   |   |a8|a7|a7|[[underlined]] v [[/underlined]] F|
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 228|1.2|1.0|1.1|   |a7:|b9|a8:|irreg?|
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 229|1.2|1.6|1.4|   |b6|a9|[[strikethrough]] a8 [[/strikethrough]]|   |   |
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 230|1.6:|1.4|1.5|   |b7:| c5|b6:|defect involved nucleus off-center|
|[[symbol - star symbol]] 231|1.2|1.4|1.3|   |a5|a6|a6|   |

Transcription Notes:
There's an arrow that starts from 217 and point to 9.4, then another arrow from 218 to 3.4 -- how do you indicate this? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-14 07:37:51 reopened from complete fixed strikethrough which have to be inside the column bars underlined tags still need to be added ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-18 15:52:26 reopened from complete. Still needs underlined tags added.