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[[preprinted]] 20 [[/preprinted]]
|No.|D1|D2|Mean|[[strikethrough]] D" [[/strikethrough]]Res|Cl1|Cl2|Mean|Descr.|
|*21|2.8|2.4|2.6|   |b3|d4|c4|   |
|*22|1.6|1.6|1.6|   |a3|a4|a3|   |
|*23|2.0|1.4|1.7|   |a6|a5|a5|   |
|24|1.8|1.8|1.8|00|f2 10|d3[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]1|e2|nucleus off-center|
|25|[[strikethrough]] 2.0 [[/strikethrough]]|1.0 1.0|1.0|00|d8 2[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|a10[[underlined]] 1[[/underlined]]1 b 900|b9|   |
|26|4.8|4.0 4.2|4.3|5[[underlined]] 31[[/underlined]]|e3 11|d2 00|d2|Spir.|
|*27|3.0|3.0|3.0|00|f9 00|e9 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]0|f9|Spir.|
|28|4.2|3.8|4.0|2[[underlined]] 2[[/underlined]]|f5 [[underlined]] 1[[/underlined]]0|c5 00|e5|Ft; near edge; and [[symbol - therefore]] diam. uncertain|
|   |   |   |   |MC27756|   |   |   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]*29|3 objects, center star|   |   |right|   |   |   | [[/strikethrough]]|
|*30|0.8|1.0|0.9|   |a8|a8|a8|   |
|*31|1.6|1.4|1.5|   |a5|a6|a5|   |
|*32|1.0|[[strikethrough]]2.0.:[[/strikethrough]]1.2|1.1|   |a5|[[strikethrough]]a10[[/strikethrough]]a5|a5|[[strikethrough]]eF, hazy[[/strikethrough]]|
|*33|2.4|2.2|2.3|   |a9|a9|a9|vF|
|*34|2.4|2.8|2.6|   |c8|d9|d9|nucleus off-center|
|*35|2.8|2.6|2.7|   |c3|d3:|c3|   |
|*36|1.[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]2|1.4|1.3|   |a9|a10|a10|[[strikethrough]]defect att.[[/strikethrough]]; very ft.|
|*37|1.4|1.6|1.5|   |a7|b6|a7|   |
|*38|1.0|1.0|1.0|   |c5|c8|c7|   |
|*39|?|0.8|   |   |   |a9|   |   |
|*40|3.0|2.0:|   |   |a9:|a10|a10|Ext. ft., &L.|
|*41|0.8|1.0|0.9|   |b8|a8|b8|Bt|
|*42|3.2|2.0:|   |   |a9:|a10|a10|VF; edge; diam uncertain|

Transcription Notes:
complete except check marks and green ink on first two rows: how are they captured? - Checkmarks should not be transcribed for Phaedra notebooks. Needs preprinted tags around page number 5 columned Table should be table blank columns should be 3 spaces, not --- --------- How do you format MC27756 that in the center of the page? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-08 17:38:40 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-13 08:14:57