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[[preprinted]] 16 [[/preprinted]]
|   |2645|2677|1003|1005|2745|2788|2796|
|   |[15.8 [15.8|15.5 15.5|14.4 14.4 ^[[24.395]]|15.0^[[18.71]] 15.0|[15.8 ^[[discarded hard to meas. if I use double]][15.8|[15.8 [15.8 ^[[4.3560]]|[15.8 [15.8 ^[[2.8938]]|
|2130 2413847.841|[15.8|15.5|14.4|15.0|[15.8|16.4|[16.4|
|   |16.3 16.3|15.4 15.3|14.3 14.3|13.8 13.8|16.0 15.9|15.4 15.5|16. 16.7|
|2157 13875.808|16.2|15.2|14.2|13.8|15.9|15.5|16.7|
|   |16.2 16.2|15.2 15.1|14.4 14.4|14.1 14.1|16.3 16.2|15.5 15.5|16.2 16.3|
|2188 13894.750|16.2|15.1|14.5|14.2|16.2|15.5|16.3|
|   |16.2 16.2|15.2 15.2|14.5 14.5|15.4 15.4|16.4 16.3|15.5 15.5|16.0 16.2|
|2198 13946.555|16.2|15.1|14.5|15.4|16.3|15.5|16.3|
|   |[15.8 [15.8|15.4 15.4|14.4 14.3|14.9 14.9|[15.8 [15.8|16.0 16.0|15.9 15.8|
|2202 13948.574|16.0|15.4|14.3|14.9|[15.8|16.0|15.7|
|   |16.2 16.2|15.2 15.3|13.1 13.2|14.4 14.3|15.5 15.5|15.1 15.2|15.5 15.5 15.9|
|2207 13954.585|16.0|15.2|13.4|14.2|15.5|15.2|16.0|
|2209 13956.-7-|muted|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |16.0 16.0|15.4 15.2|13.2 13.3|15.4 15.3|16.2 16.2|15.9 15.9|16.0 16.0|
|2960 14341.541|16.1|15.1|13.3|15.1|16.2|15.8|16.0|
|   |16.5 16.5|16.7 16.7|13.8 13.8|14.0 14.0|16.3 16.3|16.2 16.2|16.5 16.5|
|7096 16814.[[strikethrough]] 565 [[/strikethrough]]656|16.4|16.7|13.9| 13.9|16.2|16.2|16.5|
|   |16.2 16.2|16.5 16.5|14.4 14.3 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] |14.5 14.5|16.1 16.1|16.3 15.4 15.5|15.9 16.0|
|7098 16816.644|16.2|16.4|14.4|14.4|16.1|15.5|16.0|
|   |16.2 16.2|16.5 16.4|14.2 14.2|14.4 14.4|16.2 16.1 16.0|15.7 15.5|16.1 16.1|
|7099 16816.644|16.2|16.5|14.2|14.3|15.7|15.3|16.0|
|   |16.0 16.1|16.5 16.5|13.8 14.3 14.2|14.9 14.8|16.4 16.4|15.2 15.2|16.2 16.3|
|7101 16820.567|16.2|16.5|14.4|14.7|16.4|15.2|16.4|
|   |16.2 16.2|16.5 16.5|14.1 14.3|14.8 14.9|16.4 16.3|15.3 15.2|16.7 16.6|
|7102 16820.651|16.2|16.5|14.5|14.9|16.2|15.2|16.4|
|   |16.1 16.1|16.5 16.5|14.4 14.5|14.8 14.8|16.2 16.3|15.2 15.2|16.3 16.3|
|7103 16820.747|16.1|16.5|14.5|14.8|16.4|15.2|16.4|
|   |16.0 16.0|16.5 16.6|14.2 14.3|15.0 15.0|16.2 16.2|15.2 15.2|16.5 16.4|
|7104 16820.838|15.9|16.6|14.4|15.1|16.2|15.2|16.3|
|   |16.1 16.1|16.5 16.5|14.6 14.5|15.1 15.1|15.5 15.5|16.1 16.1|16.6 16.6|
|7114 16823.638|16.1|16.5|14.4|15.2|15.5|16.0|16.6|
|   |16.2 16.3|16.6 16.6|13.3 13.4|14.7 14.6|15.7 15.6|15.3 15.3|16.5 16.4|
|7123 16855.573|16.3|16.6|13.4|14.5|15.5|15.3|16.4|
|   |16.1 16.0|16.5 16.5|13.1 13.3|14.6 14.6|16.2 16.3|15.5 15.7|16.6 16.5|
|7125 16856.557|16.0|16.6|13.4|14.7|16.3|15.9|16.5|
|   |16.1 16.1|16.1 16.0|13.5 13.6|15.2 15.2|16.1 16.1|16.4 16.4|[16.4 [16.4|
|8211 17590.584|16.0|15.9|13.7|15.2|16.1|16.5|[16.6|
|   |   |15.5 15.5|15.1 15.1|13.8 13.8|15.1 15.1|[15.6 [15.6|[15.8 [15.8|[15.8 [15.8|
|8561 17933.607|15.5|15.1|13.8|15.1|[15.8|[15.8|[15.8|
|   |[15.0 [15.0|14.9 15.0|13.8 13.8|[15.0 15.0|[15.0 [15.0|[15.0 {15.0|[15.0 [15.0|
|10625 19690.6[[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]]49|[15.3|15.1|13.8|15.2:|[15.3|[15.0|[15.0|
|   |[15.8 [15.8|15.1 15.1|13.8 13.7|14.0 14.1|[15.8 [15.8|[15.8 [15.8|[15.8 [15.8|
|11586 21154.744|[15.8|15.1|13.6|14.2|[15.8|[15.8|[15.8|
|   |16.2 16.2|15.4 15.4|13.4 13.3 13.5|15.3 15.3|16.2 16.2|16.1 16.1|16.6 16.6|
|   |15.7 15.7|15.4 15.4|13.8 14.5 14.2|15.2 15.3|16.2 16.2|15.7 15.6|15.8 15.8|
|12288 23486.545|15.7|15.5|14.4|15.4|16.2|15.5|15.9|
[[annotation]] Varies [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] long period semi regular [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] discarded  hard to [[?]] I use double [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
There seem to be two rows that go together. The row with the number on left and the on above it. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-18 08:44:06 This did not have the correct format at the top. You need:Example: [[table]] |heading|heading| |---|---| ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-12 17:13:27