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[[preprinted]] 10 [[/preprinted]]
|MF10320|No.|[[underlined]] Bright [[/underlined]]|[[underlined]] Faint [[/underlined]]|   |
|4662 9534|17|10320, 10322|9534 [[strikethrough]] ns. [[/strikethrough]] 8665|[[image]]var. apparently very wide variation|
|4678 Eclipsing? [[symbol - right arrow]]|18|10320, 10263|9534,|[[image]]var. doubtful. Faint on only one plate(?)|
|4705|19|10320, 10322|9534, 10332|[[image]]var. a faint star|
|   |20|10320, 10322|9534, 10332|[[image]]var. slight variation|
|4686|21|10320, [[underlined]]10330[[/underlined]]|9534, 8525|[[image]]var. Probably long period|
|4712|22|10320, 10322|ns9534, 8525|[[image]]var.|
| |[[strikethrough]] 23|10320, 10322|9534|[[image]]var. [[/strikethrough]]I find only one plate showing it as faint. Probably varies.|
|N4680|24|9534, 10263|10320, 8481|[[image]]var. a very faint star|
|W. Lap |25|9534|ns.10320, 10306 ft|[[image]]var. Very faint; mostly either not seen or scarcely visible.|
|4684|26|9534, 8665|10320, 10275|[[image]]var.|
|4703|27|9534, 8665|10320, 10188|[[image]]var. very faint|
|4663|28|9534, 8665 rather faint|ns10320, ns.10322|[[image]]var. quite faint visible on only two plates|
|4664|29|9534, 8665|10320, 8525|[[image]]var.|
|4679|30|9534, 8665|10320, 10330|[[image]]var. generally n.s. or faint.|
|4698 long period?|31|9534|ns10320, 10263|[[image]]var. [[strikethrough]] Doubtful.[[/strikethrough]] Found bright on only one plate.|
|4695|32|9534, 10263|10320, 10343|[[image]]var.|
|4702|33|9534, 8525|10320, 10343|[[image]]var. Very faint|
|4701 long period? |34|9534 fairly bright on 10138|[[strikethrough]] ns [[/strikethrough]] 10320, 8665|[[image]]var. Bt on only one plate.|
|4687 10320|35}10320, 10263|8525, 8665|[[image]]var. Two stars? quite a bright star|
|8525|36|10320, 10331|8525 (8665?)|[[image]]var. Probably varies, though very slightly|
|4673|37|10320, 10263|8525, 10343|[[image]]var. a faint star,|
|4682|38|10320, 10319|8525, 8665|[[image]]var.|
|4666|39|8525, 8481|10320, 10375|[[image]]var. faint star|
|4708|40|8525, 8481|ns.10320, n.s.10319|[[image]]var. ns on most plates.|
|   |[[strikethrough]]41|8525|10320, 10331|[[image]]var. Probably varies, though I'm not certain. [[/strikethrough]]|
|   |[[strikethrough]]42|8525, 8665|10320, 10319|[[image]] var. Probably small range. [[/strikethrough]]|
|? Prob v. |43|8525, 10343|10320, 10319|[[image]]var. Very slight change.|
|defect|[[strikethrough]]44|8525, [10295(?)]|10320, 10375|[[image]] var.[[/strikethrough]]|
|4671|45|8525, 8665|ns 10320, ns 10319|[[image]]var. very large range|

Transcription Notes:
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