Viewing page 23 of 242

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[preprinted]] 11 [[/preprinted]]
|   |Bright|Faint|
|C7 SY Lup|10275|   |
|18 VW Lup|   |   |
|19  SN[[zeta]]-|   |   |
|20 - |   |   |
|21 XX[[zeta]]-|   |10263| 
|22 AU[[zeta]]-|   |   |
|23 -|   |   |
|2VVY[[zeta]]-|   |   |
|25 -|   |   |
|26 WY Lup|   |   |
|27 AL s.p.|8525;10331|10320,10343|  
|28 SZ|   |   |
|29 TT|   |   |
|30 VX|   |   |
|31 AF|   |ns 10337, Ft10295 10322 10375|
|32 AD|   |   |
|33 AK|   |   |
|3VAI|   |ns 10343 ft10275 Ft10319 10323 10306 10267|
|35 XY[[zeta]]- Probably not a var.|   |8481|
|37 UW[[zeta]]-|10330|10275, 10375|
|38 WW[[zeta]]-|   |8481|
|Faint on most plates|3gTVLap|10343|
|40Aq|   |8665|
|45UU|8481|   |

Transcription Notes:
There are v-shaped tic marks on the red margin lines (I can't tell if they are checkmarks or if they signify something else). There are also miscellaneous marks next to a couple of numbers (they look like little arrows). They're omitted after "22"'s respective marking. - they are checkmarks all rows need to have 3 columns and blank columns should be 3 spaces, | | ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-22 08:03:25 remove checkmarks