Viewing page 14 of 242

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[[preprinted]] 2 [[/preprinted]]
[[underlined]] MWF168, Positions [[/underlined]]
|A Plate|Stars|Page|
|5370|141, 116, 174|48|
|   |[[strikethrough]] 187 [[/strikethrough]], 176, 167|49|
|   |173, 137, [[strikethrough]] 18+ [[/strikethrough]]|47|
|   |145, 202, + [[faint?]]|46|
|   |105|42|
|   |109|50|
|   |159, 112, 143|41|
|   |101, 104|42|
|   |113, [[strikethrough]] 107 [[/strikethrough]],144|43|
|   |117, 118, 138|44|
|   |[[strikethrough]]194[[/strikethrough]], [[strikethrough]]196[[/strikethrough]], 197|45|
|   |185, [[strikethrough]]178[[/strikethrough]]|46|
|   |133|
|7743|110^[[known]], 129, 139|50|
|   |200|51|
|   |120|54|
|   |180,199, 132|55|
|   |124|56|
|   |205, 1[[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 9 not a var|59|
|12426| 127|51|
|12969| 162|59|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-16 16:37:09 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-17 15:39:46 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 08:49:40