Viewing page 17 of 242

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[[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]]
Corners of region
|   |   |   |

|Plate No.|   |
|MF 10375|15 June 1926 3i|
|Contacts|   |
|I19815|(MF 10330)|
|19814|MF 10320|
|19813|MF 10275|
|[[underlined]] 1928 [[/underlined]]|   |
|MF11709|21 May.|

|   |   |
|S Lup|1446-46|
|Carte du Ciel|15 00 -51[[symbol - degree symbol]] 34|
|W Lup|15 8 -50|
|Nova Nor|15 22 -50|

A plates covering MWF173;
|   |
|8398 |

Transcription Notes:
can you put tables in annotations? also help on 1446-46 line A in "A plates" may be [[alpha]]? - it is A plates ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 17:14:14