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[[preprinted]] 22 [[/preprinted]]
|Plates|No.|Bright|Faint|   |
|10491 no var.|[[strikethrough]]140|(10419,)(10452)|9517, 942[[/strikethrough]]|[[image]] var very faint star|
|10419|141|10491, 10374|10419 ,10484|[[image]] var. bright star (not a bright star, but a faint close companion, southern that shows up as a separate star only on A plates. [[[underlined]] [May be the brighter that varies] [[/underlined]]|
|10491|[[strikethrough]]142|11439, 10484[[/strikethrough]]|10491, [[strikethrough]]10498[[/strikethrough]]|[[image]] Bright on most plates, very bright star|
|^[[MWF 169 No 98]] 11439|143|10491, 10498, 10428|11439, 11462, 9542|[[image]] var.|
|f b (verified, binoculars) 112 132 110 120 128|144^[[m]]|11439, 11462|10491, 10498|[[image]]var.|
| WF 169 No 181|145|10491, 10498|11439, 11462|[[image]] var fairly wide range|
|   |146^[[m]]|11439, 10498, 11462|10491, 10428|[[image]] var good range|
|   |147^[[m]]|10491, 10498|11439(n.s.), 11462|[[image]] var close comparison, wide range|
|   |148|11439, 11462, 9542|10491, 10444, 10428|[[image]] var small range |
|same as [[underlined]] 110 [[/underlined]].|[[strikethrough]]149|10491, 10498|11439, 11462|[[image]] var  very bright stars[[/strikethrough]]|
|   |[[strikethrough]] 150|10491, 10498|11439 (11451,) (10374)|[[image]] var seems rather queer on the 1928 plates [[/strikethrough]]|
|   |151|11439, 11462|10491, 10498|[[image]] var Rather wide range.|

Transcription Notes:
on 10491 row, unsure of "no vm." not sure of leftmost column below 11439, rightmost column on 10419 row needs correction ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-20 23:25:08 not finished ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-25 07:32:41 Reopened from complete and reported reviewer to Smithsonian. Please do not approve if you are not going to take the time to actually review the page. - NOT finished ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-27 00:34:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-28 12:41:07