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[[preprinted]] 26 [[/preprinted]]
|Plates|Var. No.|Bright|Faint|   |
|9542|159^[[m]]|10491, 10484|9542, 9558|[[image]]var quite faint|
|10491|160^[[m]]||10491, 9365|9542, 8502|
|[[image]] doubtful of [[underlined]] Southern of close pair. [[/underlined]]|
|not verified|[[strikethrough]] 161|10491, 10484|9542, 8639, 9558 [[/strikethrough]]|[[image]] var Following a [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]]| 
|   |162|10491, 10498|9542, 8639|[[image]]var Fairly bright; small range.|
|9540|163|9455, 9438|9540, 10416|[[image]] var Bt on most plates. Maybe|
|9455|[[strikethrough]] 164|9455, 9438, 9365|9540, 8542|[[image]]var faint star [[/strikethrough]]|
|doesn't vary?|[[strikethrough]] 165|9455|9540[[/strikethrough]]|[[image]] var |                        |   |[[strikethrough]] 166|9455|9540, 9582[[/strikethrough]]|[[image]] var  Doubtful |
|   |167|9455,9438|9540, 10444|[[image]]var Faint star|
|   |168|9540, 9542|9455, 9438|[[image]] var|
|   |[[strikethrough]] 169|9455, 10444|9540, 9365|[[image]] var [[/strikethrough]]|
|   |[[strikethrough]] 170|9455, 10374|9540, 10416|[[image]]var faint star [[/strikethrough]]|
|11529|[[strikethrough]] 171|11529, 11521|11667, 11695 [[/strikethrough]]|[[image]]var|
|11667|[[strikethrough]]172|11667, 11852, 11822, 11804|11529, 11521[[/strikethrough]]|[[image]]var very faint but probably authentic|
|   |173^[[m]]|11529, 11965, 10476|11667, 11521, 10484|[[image]]var mostly bright; possibly eclipsing.|
|   |174|11667, 11695, 11521, [[underlined]]9455[[/underlined]]|11529, 8502|[[image]]var Eclipsing?|
|   |[[strikethrough]]175|11667, 10416|11529, 8502|[[image]] var [[/strikethrough]]|         
|   |176|11529, 10491|11667, 11521|[[image]]var Faint star.|
|23W^[[2]]=DH[[2]]|177|11667, 11695|11529, 11521|[[image]]var Fairly large range|

[[annotation]] br 11475 [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
Should be formatted as a table ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-20 23:00:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-25 07:34:19 needs [[image]] and text in last column added ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 14:27:46 removed blank rows which should not be transcribed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-28 13:46:00 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-29 08:02:45