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NARA 898
12   13
[[ 6 Columned Table ]]
| Date 1868| Name of Complainant | Name of Party complained of | Residence | When ordered to appear  | Nature of complaint |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Feby 19. | Mary Jones | Downing | Hinds Co |   | Complains that he owes her $30 for repairs on house rented by him is ordered to report at this office or state the case in writing Mr D appeared as requested Case dismissed No Evidence |

| Feby 19. | Charles Macall | Calvet Jones | Hinds Co |   | Complains that Mr J. owes him for services rendered which he refuses to pay is Ordered to Report here on Monday the 24th inst bringing all his acccts with said Freedman Jones appeared 24. has made offers as endorsed in letter |

| Febry 22 | Owens David | A M Jackson | Hinds Co |   | Complains of an unfair settlement is ordered to report here on Wednesday 26th Inst |

| Feb 24 | Margarett Stringer | Nat Harris | Hinds Co |   | Complains that Harris took her clothes for debt Wrote Harris for statement of case (Complaint by mail) March 9th letter from Harris holds clothes for payment of $16.00 and for mattress & straw |

| Feb 24 | Anna Williams | Randal & Putnam | Jackson |   | Complains that Randal & Putnam refuse to pay for services rendered according to contract by his sons in year 1866 Ordered them to report personally or in writing their reasons for such refusal |

| Feb 24 | Geo & O. Jackson | R.H. Wells | Clinton |   | Complaint of unfair charges in A/c refered to Justice Clark Feb 25th Wells appeared with papers from Jury Returned for correction |

| Feb 21 | Andrew Jackson | David Owins | Hinds Co |   | Complaint that Mr Owins will not give him a fair settlement Wrote Owins to appear here Wed. Feb 26 Then 26th parties appeared settlement made satisfactorily to all parties |

| Feb 26 | Adam Dunald | Peter Charlton | Clinton |   | Complains that Charlton took his mule corns and sold part without leave Wrote Charlton to report his Authority Parties appeared Feb 29th Board of Arbitration had been appointed & Justice Clark as member appointed by Board States that Board decided that claims of Donald was [[issued?]]