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NARA 125

Hinds County Dec 21, 1867,
We the arbitrators between R&R Shotwell of the Freedmen on his place after full investigation respectfully submit the following report-to wit-
Wm Seaton & wife's private a/c 120.00 10.85=130.85  120.00
Ben Williams private a/c       91.53  10.85=102.38   91.53 1/2
Ellen Williams private a/c     84.50  10.85=95.35    84.50
John Williams & wife private a/c 144.61 10.85=155.46 144.61
Juliet Washington & minor son Philip private a/c 81.70 1/2 10.85=92.55 1/2  81.70 1/2
Joint account of squad [[strikethrough]] 86.80 [[/strikethrough]]
In the settlement of this account Mr. Shotwell is to take the cotton of each have at 10 cents p? lb which will leave the accts as follows - to wit
Wm Seaton Lv to 130.85 fr
Wm Seaton Cr by 91.40 in cotton (914lbs)   130.85
Due by him - $39.45
Ben Williams Dr $102.38-Cr by cotton (456 2/3 lbs) $45.66 - Dr $56.72
Ellen Williams Dr. $95.35 - Cr by cotton (4564 lbs) $45.66 Dr. $49.69
John Williams & Wife $155.46 - Cr by cotton (914 lbs) $91.46 Dr. $64.05
Juliet Washington & son Philip - Dr. $92.55 !/2 - Cr by cotton (456 2/3) $45.66 Dr. $46.89
Arther Dr. $52.73 - Cr by cotton (456 2/3) $45.66 Dr. $7.07

The above accounts include debits & credits for 1867 & 1867.
Alex Henderson
J.A. Parsons
G.M. McCarty

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 18:26:25