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NARA 222

Dry Grove Miss
Jan 3d 1868

Maj Norton

Yours of 30th ult by mail & also one of 2nd inst by hand of James Dixon, have just been received this evening  I would be glad to take these accounts in person to you, but am suffering so with rhumatism that I cannot go. I have read the items on these accounts to said freedmen & they acknowledge that they got the articles named and at the prices stated, The [[?]] of horse to H. Franklin Mase was to have been paid in corn but they run off the corn so I charge the regular money price. I have them charged with Taxes  If they were wrongfully Assessed I do not want to pay it, but the Sheriff looks to me for that amount, & they pledged their cotton to me before the Assessor for the am't, I have stood for the Taxes of six or eight Freedmen, & would like to know if I will have to pay it, & not be able to collect it of them.

I send you a copy of the contract amounting to $300,00
Jas Dicksons Store Act & Blacksmith ac't $102,15
Henry Franklin & Wifes ac't amounting to $102.20
I thought my claims were prior to any other from Late Acts Page 572 Section 8
Hoping my claims may meet with your approval
I am your obedient Servant
J. H. Stewart

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 18:50:37 added NARA, corrected names, removed indents pls ignore indents per instructions, ult = ultimo, ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-04 09:10:29