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NARA 252

Contract is to have 1/3 = $243.77 for himself & 4 hands./

Now, Mrs Reeves is fully reimbursed for her advances and receive for the use of her 4 mules and rent of 180 acres of land as follows.

1/2 am't crops  751$
work on gin &c  400
fixing fences  100

But, according to my version of the contract she would receive [[strikethrough]] ample [[/strikethrough]] compensation for her outlay of 1332$ (which includes the interest on advances) as follows

1/2 am't of crops &c  1231$
leaving bal of say  100

which is more than would be the interest included & also about 150$ of the am't for tools and implements which were turned over to Mrs R.

In short, the way the matter is decided she gets 1231$ for her land & [[horses?]] and 11 hands get only 731$ ! for their labor.

While I do not say a word against the gentleman who made this decision, yet I am obliged