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NARA 364

A. J. Frantz
Editor and Proprietor.
Brandon Republican.

Terms: Subscription $3 in advance or $5 at the end of the year. Advertisements inserted at $1 50 per square for first insertion, and $1 for each subsequent insertion. Yearly advertisements at the rate of $250 per column.

Office of Brandon Republican,
Brandon, Miss., April 26, 1867.

Lt. H. R. Williams, or 
Capt Gardner, 
Jackson, Miss. 

Dr Sirs -
On the 15th February last I received your letter asking me for a list of the destitute in this County and as soon thereafter as possible I complied with your request. 

I called on Col. Gillem yesterday, at Vicksburg, and learned that a large shipment and been forwarded to you. The Col. told me that Capt. Gardner was charged with the distribution of supplies for this section, and asked me to make known to him the wants of our citizens. The list of destitute already sent you is as nearly correct has it is possible to make it, and I therefore ask on behalf of our suffering poor, that you give us all the aid in your power and as soon as possible. The appeals that are daily made

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-01 17:46:24