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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A Lands
Head Quarters Asst Supt of the Counties of Washington Russell. and Buchanan. 8th Dist Va.
Abingdon Washington Co Va July 24th 1866

Brevt Brig Gen'l O. Brown.
A.A.A.G. Richmond Va.

In compliance with instructions from B of R.F. and A.L. Head Quarters Supt 8th Dist of Va Wytheville Va May 20th 1866 Requiring a report of affairs in general relating to the Bureau on the 25th of each month, I have the Honor to report that the condition of the Freedmen is very good in this Sub Dist. That the officers of the Bureau have efected a change in them for the better by giving them good advice and making them aquainted with the changes wrought in their condition, and having read for their benefit Circulars No 11 and 23 Dated Richmond Virginia March 19th 1866, and July 18th 1866. also Circular No 7 War Department Bureau of R.F and A.L. Washington July 2d 1866. The Freedmen receive full justice in the Civil Courts in this Sub District. They have a Sunday School established here that is taught,

Transcription Notes:
Please do not use indenting. Left justify all lines. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 11:58:55 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 13:32:44 changed "Buckman" to "Buchanan"