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Office Asst Supt Mathews & Gloucester Cos Va.
Mathews Ct Ho. Va. July 31st 1866

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Richmond Va.

Genl. -

I have the honor to make the following Report of the condition of Bureau affairs for the month of July, in this Sub district -:

Since my last monthly Report the County Commissioners Books for Mathews Co. have been completed, and the names of all male Colored of the age of 21 years and over have been placed upon them for the purpose of taxation.  At the last Co. Court - a tax was levied upon all tithable persons in the Co. of Five dollars and forty three cents.  This tax is intended to liquidate all expenses of the County, not only of the present year, but for the past three or four years, with the exception of two or three claims contracted during the war.

The Colored complain of the unjustness of this levy covering expenses during the war.

This levy includes the "Poor tax" of the present year also, for defraying expenses incurred in support of paupers, the Cold. are called