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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abd Lands
Office Asst Supt Sub Dist Stafford & King George 
Fredericksburg Va July 31st 1866

Brevet Brig Genl O Brown
Richmond Va 

In compliance with circular No 6. Head Quarters Asst Commissioner Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abd Lands Richmond Va dated January 29th 1866. 
I have the honor to report that the affairs of the Bureau in my Sub-District are in a good condition. 

The feelings existing between the whites and Freedmen is not as a general thing very good in some parts of the Sub-District, the whites take advantage of the freedmens ignorance in all business transactions with them.

Very Respectfully
Your Obd Servt
Hector Sears
2nd Lieut Vet Res Corps &
Asst. Superintendent

Transcription Notes:
need help with signature "Hector Sears" confirmed with preceeding document.