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to remarks on the defective Laws of the State. I desire now to call attention to the following facts
In the first place — No Orphans Court exists here.
Secondly — All judicial matters relative to Orphans have to be adjudged in the County or Circuit Courts.
Third — Full Orphans fall under the exclusive control of the Overseers of the Poor, who are authorized to bind them out, &c.
Fourth — No Uncle or Aunt even, however desirous and able to care for, can demand them.
Fifth — They can be rescued only by writ of Habeous Corpus, obtained through a superior Court
In the last place — In the event of the removal of the Bureau, it is easy to conceive how all this will operate, as regards the interests of poor colored Orphans.
I am, General, Very Respectfully,
your obt. servt-
W.F. De Knight
1st Lt. V.R.C. & Asst Supt.
B.R.F. & A.L.