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Report as ordered in Cir. No. 6. C.S. Hd. Qrs. Assistant Comr. Va. Richmond. Va.
For Sub-Dist of Goochland Co. Va.

The general quiet & good order of this Sub District can not be complained of but is good both on the part of the Whites and blacks. There are occasional departures from this, exceptions to the general rules.

As to the feeling now existing between the races, believed to be growing better. The uniform good conduct of the freedmen is becoming a Subject of comment even with those that a short time ago predicted the very opposite.

The complaints made to Magistrates in this County by freedmen have been very leisurely taken notice of, to use no harsher terms, and some cases of over a months standing have not yet come to trial. Freedmen in several instances have been driven from the crop they have labored in at the time of laying it by on slight 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 09:56:34 minor typo in second line "Va" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 15:48:48