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District is good. The Freedmen are working well. The testimony of many white citizens being strong and conclusive on that subject. There was but little damage to this fertile region during the war and the people are generally thriving. But in reference to loyalty, the state of things is very bad. There is about as much hatred of the United States Government and Flag now as during the war. There is a considerable per-centage of Union Men, some of whom have been consistent all through the ordeal, but they are disheartend and many say they will have to go away. The power and wealth are still with those who excited the Rebellion and there is no chance for others- The community shows its hatred of the flag and its officers on all occasions. for instance, the white pilot named "Jones" who lately brought the Government Steamer with troops into the Chessonassex Creek, told me that he has been much abused and threatened in consequence: and another man publicly declared that he wished he had been quick enough to get out as pilot himself, for he would have wrecked the Steamer, also a few days ago the houses of the Asst. Supt. and of the telegraph operator, a one-armed ex U.S. Soldier, were seriously injured in the stable the evident design being to maim them- thus, from large to small matters in crime, in threats and in low malice, the feeling is shown. Bvt. Maj. French the Asst. Supt. is a reliable and efficient officer. and during the recent troubles has shown great energy. his other official duties, seem also to have been well performed-

If I consulted only my convictions of what is

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 14:13:21