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required by instructions received in Circular no. 23 V.2. Com'r State of Va. July 18th 1866."

In my last report I made a full statement in regard to contracts and Labor, and will not further refer to it at present. 

"In reference to the Freedmen locating on Government Lands there would doubtless be a large number to accept the Government offer, provided the received favorable information of the condition and locality of the Country, and what assistance can be depended on to enable them to proceed to those States - and the certainty of being Subsisted until they secure their first Crop. Some white parties who do not favor the project, are doing all they can in opposition to the movement - but a very large number of the citizens are quite favorable to their leaving Virginia, for the more Southern States. If full and positive information could be furnished the colored People of a favorable nature, disabusing their minds in regard to the unhealthfulness of the Country - the certainty of their not being left there without Government assistance - and other impressions which they have received from those who have opposed the movement - I have not the least doubt, but what the great majority of them, would at once avail themselves of the advantages of the offer." 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servant
C.S. Schaeffer
1st Lieut. V.R.C.
& Asst. Supt. 8th
Dist. of Va. 

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