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miles from this place, which for several years had been inhabited by a depraved and prostituted class, composed principally of White Females & Males, and some colored men, amalgamated and cohabiting together; being also a general resort for numerous colored men in the surrounding neighborhood; had, a few days previously, been torn down by the owners of the land on which they stood, and the logs burnt to prevent their recreation. This was done, so far as I can learn by investigation, not so much because of the peculiar relationships existing, as from the fact that this class of persons, by their thievish propensities, and repeated depredations being too indolent; any of them, to work, while even the females were as physically strong as the most robust men, had long since become a pest to the country. I understand, further, that they had for some time been notified to leave, by the owners of the place; and even after their huts were destroyed, or the women pleading that they had not the means to go elsewhere, money, to some extent, was furnished, to assist them. I have heard of no personal violence in connection with the affair, nor have any complaints been made to me in relation to it.

It will be seen by a Report submitted by me, of date the 25th Inst., in answer to Circular No. 15, C. S. B. R. F. & A. L., Hd. Qtr Asst Com State of Va., that the county levy of [[?]] for the support