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in the most Cases without giving them a settle or payment. such Cases and such as being assoulted and trashed by white men came werry often befor me during the present month, being by me refered to the Magistrates, there also, but different Cases only by being rapidly pushed by me, were satisfactory settled, different Cases I have settled friendly me self.

The majority of the freed people, partecle those who work on their own Businiss as tradesman, also those who have rented land and have will and tools to work the same, those whom work for shares in the cropp, and a part of them who work by the Year do verry well; while others who rented land without will and means to work, and those who work by month or day, or the most time not at all, do worse, and better would it be for them they never hat seen or heard of freedom.  Those having noting for their support, of cours will steal, and the jail is in consequence full of them; and will in further time be fuller as yet; and the whole of the freed people usualle is coused theirfor.  If Goverments ration would be issued next winter the most of them would be needet and Claimed by this worse class, idle going people, but I hope I will not have anything to do with them.

The Freedmen of the CH. and nighboorhood, having

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many misspellings on this page ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 09:15:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 10:11:52