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Report on the condition of Bureau affairs. - Made by Lieut. J.B. Clinton Asst. Supt. Dinwiddie Co. Va. for the month ending August 31st 1866.

As one that feels deep interest in the organization and workings of the Bureau of R.F & A.L. I have the honor to report that there is much in this county to encourage the system, much to stimulate patient perseverence and earnest action, which is still required to bring about the final result for which the Bureau was organized.  For there is prejudice, idleness, and dissipation, obstacles to improvement still to overcome, many vague and erronious ideas of which the mind of the Freeman is not yet disabused.  I do not intend to say that the Freedmen as a people are Idlers, for as a general thing they, in this county are conducting themselves in a creditable manner with fair prospects for a good crop so far as their labor can effect its prosperity.

But there are many who do not yet realize their situation, who have not yet learned but what Freedom is something that they can eat drink and wear.  The prejudice that existed in the minds of the Whites is continually becoming less, and they, as a general thing feel that they are dependent upon the
