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BRF and AL
Office of Act SUpt SUb Dist Nelson Co
Lovington August 31 1866

Brt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Act Adjt General Deptmt of Va
   In obedience to instructions contained in circular no 6, i respectfully submitthe following reports:
   The crop is now mostly made.  Oats have yielded more abundantly than for years past. A continuous drought, throughout the month, in most parts of the County, will cut the corn crop down  below an average.  Tobacco, has suffered considerably from the same cause, byt is not beyond hope.    I consequence of the dry weather the Freedmen who have been working under cropping contracts, will not make enough to support themselves through the winter, unless the tobacco turns out much better than is now expected, even though the contracts (which are generally liberal) are complied with in the division, to the letter.  I discourage the removal of the system, of working on shares, because designing men can take advantage of the ignorance of the Freedmen in