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and "take their chances".
   The Rail Road which is in course of construction from here to Richmond will soon begin in earnest I am informed by some of the officers, when Freedmens labor will be in demand. 
   I would respectfully state that there is a great deal of sickness in this County, so that in nearly every family some member is is sick, and that the services of some medical officer is very much needed.
   In conclusion I would state that having been appointed in the 18th U.S. Infantry and ordered to report to Lieut Genl Sherman at St Louis Mo. the office of Asst. Cub will be vacated as soon as I can be mustered out of the V.R.C., which will be in a very few days.
I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Svt
Chas H Warren
Capt V R C  Asst SUpt