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condition unsatisfactory to him, he at once commences abusing his laborers or if not that dashes off to the nearest Bureau Officer with a list of complaints to the effect that the freedmen are perfectly worthless - will not work &c &c &c-

Others, of course, while the crops are being made realize that it is their interest to give to the laborer all possible encouragement not only in kind treatment - but by the most flattering promises of reward &c - but when the season of active operations closes - he turns his attention to devising plans by which to secure the fruits of the freedmen's labor, at the smallest possible cost to himself - This is done by cutting down the share of the freedmen - charging them exorbitantly for fuel -rent - provisions &c.

Complaints of this character as apprehended by me are gradually increasing, and no doubt will continue so, until the crops are all gathered and the business appertaining to crops arranged - When complaints of this kind are made - the parties are notified to appear on a certain day - the facts are investigated - the decision announced and the difficulty arranged in the office, if it is possible - if not - a future day is named upon which the parties again appear and the case adjudicated - I have not been required yet to resort to very serious measures or had occasion to refer a case to your office for your action - In a large proportion of these, 

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