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any cases, in which a Justice of the Peace, Attorney for the Commonwealth - Grand Jury, or any other authority vested with the power of allowing, or regulating, the institution of criminal proceedings, has refused justice to a colored person, by improperly neglecting a complaint - or declining to receive, an oath, or sworn information, tendered by such person - whereby a trial, or prosecution, might be prevented through partiality, or prejudice -

In every case, (during the trial of which I have been present,) I have watched the proceedings as closely as I was capable of - and I can safely say I have seen nothing in the deportment of the Court or in the members of the Bar, or in any other County Officer, indicating any disposition to avoid, or refuse treating, the freedmen with impartiality. - The proceedings especially in regard to the evidence, (in those cases - which have come under my own observation,) show that the law respecting the testimony of colored persons, is properly respected, and as far as I am capable of judging, has been and is carried out in good faith.

The above remarks are you must remember with exclusive reference, to the deportment, or in other words official action of the County Officers. I am sorry, I am not able to state that the same kindly feeling towards the race, is not manifested by the  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 10:55:04