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The Govt should bear all the burden of the expense Many however devote their time in teaching on the Sabbath and much good is resulting from it. A large number also are teaching those in their employ at their homes in the evening.
The Corn Crop will owing to the long drought be much help than was anticipated. Yet not meagre as was feared a short time since. Sales of Corn to be delivered have been made in the County at $4.75 per Bbl of 5 Bushels.
Large amounts of tobacco have been gathered and Cured but it is feared the violent storm of Rain & wind now raging, will injure that not gathered to a vary great extent. The Crop will be larger one than ever made before in this County and a large proportion will be of a fine quality.
Many of the Freedmen are making Contracts for the coming year. And at better wages than during the present one, White and Col'd have found the present year one of experiment both parties having much to learn in their New position. And it is the General opinion that matters between employers and employees will pass off more smoothly each year. as all parties come to realize their new position.
I am sir. Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Geo R Buffum
Lieut & Asst Supt B R F & A L Halifax Co Va.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-07 11:13:06