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The name of the Society shall be THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF PROTECTION, and its object shall be to aid all persons of color (they being members) who shall be unable to protect and supply themselves when sick or destitute. 

1st. The stated meeting of the Society shall be on the first Monday night of each and every month. 
2nd. The officers of the Society shall be chosen at the regular meeting in January of each year. 
3rd. Before the election of officers is held, the Treasurer's list of members who have failed for two months to pay their dues shall be read, and any member having so failed shall not be entitled to hold any office nor vote at any election until his dues shall have been paid. 
4th. The officers of the Society shall consist of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Tiler. 
It shall be the duty of the President to attend and preside over all meetings, decide all questions of order, sign all orders for money drawn on the treasure by order for the Society.
It shall be the duty of the Vice President, to preside at meetings, in the absence of the President, or when he may wish to leave the chair to take part in any discussion or debate, upon any business of the Society.