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It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a correct list of the members, to call the roll at each meeting, collect dues and pay them over to the treasurer, taking his recipt, to sign with the President all warrants drawn on the treasurer. 
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to recieve from, and receipt to the Recording Secretary, all dues he may collect, and cash all warrants drawn on him by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary.
Before the meeting for elections, he shall prepare a list of all persons who have failed to pay their dues for two months, and return it to the Secretary for use on the night of election. 
It shall be the duty of the Tiler, to keep the meeting room properly cleaned, for use of the Society, keep order, arrange the furniture, and supply such refreshments as may from time to time be ordered by the Society.
Every member shall pay into the Society, (25) twenty-five cents, per month. 
Any person may become a member of the Society by paying fifty cents, for membership, and (25) twenty-five cents per month, afterwards.
All committees shall be appointed by the President.
At the anual meeting in each year, (or oftener if there shall be cause for,) a committee shall be appointed to examine the books of the Secretary and Treasurer and report to the Society.
The President, Vice President, Treasurer, and two members, appointed by the Society, shall constitute the charity committee. 
At the time of becoming members, all shall sign the Constitution and By-Laws, for which that purpose, shall be spread upon the minute book of the Society.
It shall be the duty of all the members to have their uniform on, at each and all meetings.
It shall be the duty of all members to maintain good order during meeting, under penalty of being heavily fined; and if any visitor be guilty of a violation of this law, he shall be immediately ejected from the room.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 21:35:21