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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A. Lands
Head Quarters Asst Supt 8th Dist of Va.
Abingdon Va. Oct 25th 1866.

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown

I have the honor to make the following report of Affairs in general pertaining to the Bureau in my Sub District. Comprising the counties of Washington, Russell, and Buchanan. for the month of October 1866. as follows,
All the Freedmen who have worked Lands on shares are well pleased with the yield. And will have plenty of grain to support themselves and family throughout the coming winter. A larg number have entered into contracts of the same kind for next year. and have just finished putting in a crop of winter wheat. It is the married men that enters into these contracts. The single men and single women. are not as industrious as the married people and. dont care for staying more than a month or two in one place. This is preceptable from the strange faces to be met with in Towns along the Railway. There are a number of widdow women with children