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in the rural districts, have removed their families to the City and County to procure work which they were unable to obtain in the places they came from. No censure can be attached to them for this act. Cities offer larger inducements Not only for Employment but for procuring Education, and they have accordingly acted under that impulse.

During the Month I have minutely watched the conduct of the Freedmen, and it is very gratifying for me to report that an increased desire pervaded them, to obtain Employment and bring up their families in respectability, endeavoring not to seek the assistance of the Bureau unless when it is compulsory, and showing a willingness to labor (rather than remain idle) for a smaller remuneration than would be accorded the whites. As an instance of this, no case has come before my notice since my last report of able bodied Freedmen applying for rations, their Earnings appearing to be spent in the maintenance of their families, and in

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 18:18:06