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Wises Farm Princess Anne Co. Va.
October 31st, 1866

Capt Wm. P Austin
Supt R.F. & A.L.
First Dist of Va.


I have very little change to report since my last, in the "general condition of affairs" of this Co, none for the better at least, there appears to be very little employment for the colored people, and what they do obtain is at starvation prices.

I know of instances in this Co where the farmers only pay 75 cts for one hundred, for picking cotton, and where able-bodied negroes have worked all day and have received but 18 cts for their days labor and find themselves at that.

There is a great deal of want amongst the colored people, and there must be suffering yet.  They need clothing very much, the men need shoes, and the women and children need both shoes and clothing.
