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Report on the condition of Bureau affairs, made by Lieut. J. B. Clinton Asst. Supt. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Dinwiddie Co. Va. – for the month ending October 31st 1866.

I have the honor to report that the Bureau affairs in this County are still flourishing, that the system is doing much good, both for the Whites and Freedmen, and is daily becoming more popular with, and receiving more encouragement from the former, who at first were so very much prejudiced against, and bitterly opposed to it. It has gained and is gaining popularity from the fact that the labor of the Freedmen is needed, and they have not as yet sufficient faith in the Whites to make their labor as reliable as it should be for the good of both parties.  And the Whites are aware, that through this system they are gaining the confidence of the Freedmen by their being taught their dependence, their duties and obligations.  And as a general thing are encouraging them by fair and just dealing.  And with especial reference to the interests of the Freedmen, I know that in matters of difference, in the adjudication of which he is liable, many times to be wronged, the presence of an Officer of the Bureau does a great deal of good.

Very Respectfully
J B Clinton
Lieut. & Asst. Supt. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Dinwiddie Co. Va.

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