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Office Asst Supt BRF and AL
Halifax Co Ho Halifax Co Va
Octo 25th 1866

Maj Genl J.M. Schofield
Asst Comr for State of Virginia


In Compliance with Circular No "6" Hd Qurs Asst Comr State of Virginia, I have the honor to report the Condition of the Freedmen of this County as Generally favorable.  As also the Condition of the County.

There are however some exceptions, as for instance, now, that the Crops are in the main housed, there are some employers who for the slightest pretext endeavour to discharge their hands, without paying the for their labor for the past year.  In all such cases they are compelled to receive them back again until the end of the year.  And will be made to fulfil their part of the Contract.  These cases are confined to persons of but little, if any character in the community.  Among those in this County of character and standing there is no disposition displayed other than to fulfil their Contracts to the letter.

Many of the Freedmen are laboring under the impression (those who are working for part of the crop) that now the crop is harvested, that their labors are ended and that they are at liberty to leave, before the expiration of the year, but where the Contracts are carefully explained to them and their