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Office Asst Supt Mathews & Gloucester Cos Va. 
Mathews Ct. Ho. Va. Octr 27th 1866
Bvt Brig. Genl O. Brown 
Richmond Va. 
General - 
I have the honor to make the following Report on the condition of Bureau affairs in this Subdistrict for the month of October 1866. 
The Freedpeople are generally getting along very well, and have but little trouble with the whites - unless it is forced upon them - which is sometimes the case though not generally. The Freedmen show a disposition to make the best of their situation, if allowed any kind of a chance to do so. Many cases in which there is a difference, or misunderstanding between whites and colored, both parties prefer to leave it to the Agent of the Bureau for arbitration rather than appeal to civil laws. 
The colored are anxious for schools to be established that their children may be educated